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Advanced users, if they wish, can also add a further layer of encryption to their submission using,CIA report into shoring up Afghan war support in Western Europe, 11 Mar 2010,Wikileaks releases NATO report on civilian deaths,Wikileaks cracks NATO's Master Narrative for Afghanistan,World Institute of Scientology Enterprises International Business Directory, 2006,Blood and Honour international Neo-Nazi network messages and passwords, Mar 2009,NATO Media Operations Centre: NATO in Afghanistan: Master Narrative, 6 Oct 2008,Financial collapse: Confidential exposure analysis of 205 companies each owing above EUR45M to Icelandic bank Kaupthing, 26 Sep 2008,Iceland: what ugly secrets are waiting to be exposed in the meltdown,Serious Fraud Office urges Kaupthing whisteblowers to step forward,Fraud expert damns EU, IMF over Icelandic collapse,EU officials warned to be careful about email content,Hiding Africa's Looted Funds: The Silence of Western Media,Debunking the Carter Ruck defence of British-Iraqi billionaire Nadhmi Auchi,Filtrage du net : l’efficacité en question,Bilderberg Group Meets In Athens Amid Tight Security,Groups rip secrecy over IP protection talks,Trade agency pledges to review its transparency,Clearstream et le mystérieux compte « Bank Madoff »,Eutelsat suppresses independent Chinese-language TV station NTDTV to satisfy Beijing,Draft Copenhagen climate change agreement, 8 Dec 2009,EU draft council decision on sharing of banking data with the US and restructuring of SWIFT, 10 Nov 2009,EU social network spy system brief, INDECT Work Package 4, 2009,Suppressed French documentary on Landmark Forum cult, transcript, 24 May 2004,EUISS: What ambitions for European defence in 2020, Jul 2009,WHO: Observations on Vaccine Production Technologies and Factors Potentially Influencing Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Choices in Developing Countries, 2009,US-EU-WTO interim Memorandum of Understanding on the importation of hormone beef, 2009,Transcendental Meditation Governors Resolution, 18 Apr 2005,Transcendental Meditation confidential Intro Lecture new points, April 2005,Transcendental Meditation Domain of Atlanta Directors Meeting Notes, 2005-2007,Transcendental Meditation Domain of Washington DC Directors Meeting Notes, 2005,Transcendental Meditation Maharishi developer confidentialy agreements, legal and Sthapatya Veda documents, 2005,Transcendental Meditation Maharishi Jyotish and Yagya,Transcendental Meditation Maharishi Day Spa program, 2005,Transcendental Meditation products and services lists and costs, 2005,Transcendental Meditation Peace Palace business plan and investment, 2005,Transcendental Meditation financial statesments and legal, 2004-2005,Transcendental Meditation loans, trademarks and miscellaneous files, 2003-2008,What Air France knew: flight AF447 ACARS Event PFR report and Technical Report, 2008-2009,EU-India Free Trade Agreement draft, 24 Feb 2009,US military base changes for Europe: Senior Leader Spouce VTC, 21 Jan 2009,Air France flight AF447 ACARS summary report, June 2009,Censored Fellowship of Friends cult letter from former legal council David Springfield, 2009,NATO Counter-IED Advanced Research Demonstration report, 2006,Documents expose the influence of US lobbies on the EU WorkGroup on Open Source, 2009,ISAF: Afghan war statistics show 55% increase in Western troop deaths, April 2009,Bilderberg meeting report Saltsjöbaden, 1962,Bilderberg meeting report Buergenstock, 1960,Bilderberg meeting report Garmisch-Patenkirchen, 1955,NATO Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation Systems Eastern European sales pitch, 2003,Classified US, Japan and EU ACTA trade agreement drafts, 2009,Anti-Syrian states fund nearly all of the $62M PA Rafik Hariri Lebanon assassination tribunal, 2008,Major RAND study with 300 interviews: Intelligence Operations and Metrics in Iraq and Afghanistan, Nov 2008,European Commission OSS Strategy Draft, Mar 2009,NATO-ISAF Strategic Communications Ends, Ways and Means, slide, 20 Oct 2008,NATO-ISAF Afghanistan Strategic Communications External Linkages, 20 Oct 2008,ISAF Afghanistan Theatre Strategic Communications Strategy, 25 Oct 2008,ISAF: Afghanistan civilian deaths rises and other statistics, 14 Jan 2009,Scientology front group infiltrates United Nations International Day Against Drug Abuse, 2008,US Multi-Service Concept for Irregular Warfare, Aug 2006,United Nations Risk Assessment: Department of Management, 10 Jul 2008,United Nations Procurement Task Force: Report on the Ground Fuel Procurements at MINUSTAH (PTF-R010-07), 16 Jul 2007,United Nations Procurement Task Force: Report on Cogim SPA and Corimec Italiana SPA (PTF-R008-07), 28 Jun 2007,United Nations Office at Vienna: Audit of Property Management (AE2006-321-01), 15 Mar 2007,United Nations International Trade Centre: Audit of Property Management at ITC (AE2006-350-02), 14 Mar 2007,United Nations Procurement Task Force: Interim Report on a Concerned UN Staff Member (PTF-R011-06), 19 Dec 2006,Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: Audit of Medical Evacuations (AR2005-162-04), 16 May 2006,United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East: Investigation into allegations of sexual harassment and abuse of authority by a former staff member (ID Case No.