Not only for us, but to give it to those who'll come after.This immaterial treasure is only ours so we can hand it to future generations and to those who, for the first time, are coming to Avignon without really knowing why, to experience a few days of excitement, in the heart of gay science, in the hurly-burly of the Festival. Du 23 au 31 octobre 2020, 7 spectacles seront présentés dans une dizaine de … July, 2020 Multiple Locations in Avignon, Avignon, Avignon, France. This website uses cookies to provide our visitors with a great user experience. ruta. The very first Festival d'Avignon in September 1947 set the scene as a showcase for unknown work and modern scripts.Upon obtaining initial success, the festival began enjoying the contribution of many young talents. To finally bring us together, beyond our disappointments and differences, to celebrate enigmas, to ask of them the inextinguishable fire of conscience.And to prove the strength of our community of spirit, to prove its diversity and its hunger, we will once again go towards works that will change us. Please review the official website or check with the event organizer when planning to attend the event. We will be donating the first month of each new vendor & artist subscription to the,Festival information may not be up to date due to COVID-19, but you can view our list of cancellations. How can we understand their new faces? Festival d'Avignon 2020 in Avignon, France | Everfest Everfest stands in solidarity with the Black community and supports the fight for justice and equality. 41 cours Jean Jaurès. Even though their work still speaks to us, our bodies, our perception of time, our knowledge of social sciences, our mating rituals, all of that has changed faster than the repertoire; posthumanity is right around the corner, death is no longer the limit of the human adventure, and the 21st-century body is equipped in such a way that we already live in a permanent state of ubiquity and telepathy.Eros and Thanatos, desire and death turned by Freud into the ultimate beliefs, are the alpha and omega of all human stories. It is above all a good word we give each other, that youth teaches us and that we teach youth in return, and which is made bearable by the power of art.The performing arts are different from the others in that they can't exist without presence. Imagine theatre only talked about our desires and fears: would it be any less political? It is a form of thought, more luminous, more generous, more dangerous. And from there can we rethink politics not as the laborious organisation of interests but as the very conditions of access to meaning.Culture would be but a formal catechism or an object of speculation if it didn't ask artists to remind us of the two truths that mark the boundaries of our existence: “Know your desire and remember that you will die.” Some may see it as philosophy, but for the performing arts, it is much more than that. Theatre is more than a medium, it is a humanism. Among the acteurs and actresses invited by Villard, one finds the following: Jean Négroni, Germaine Montero, Alain Cuny, Michel Bouquet, Jean-Pierre Jorris, Silvia Montfort, Jeanne Moreau, Daniel Sorano, Maria Casarès, Philippe Noiret, Monique Chaumette, Jean Le Poulain, Charles Denner, Jean Deschamps, Georges Wilson, and Gérard Philipe.The festival's success grew, in spite of criticisms, which were at times virulent. No, it would be even more concerned with ethics. On that year, Vilar's "Inn" festival includes thirty-eight shows.It was announced on 13 April 2020 that the 2020 edition would be cancelled because of the ongoing.Due to the anti-authoritarian protest movements of May 1968, the 22nd edition of the Festival of Avignon hosted virtually no French shows, halving the number of planned shows down from a total of 83. We no longer die like we did in Molière's time, we no longer desire like in Shakespeare's. What if it didn't speak to citizens but to mortals: would it lose its ethical value? T.+33 (0)4 32 74 32 74. | Austin, TX.Publication of festival information does not imply endorsement by or affiliation with Everfest. No, it would be more political than ever. Bienvenida Agenda Festival d’Avignon – 74ª edición. However, he proposed three creations: Shakespeare's Richard II, one of Bard's plays that was little known at the time in France; Paul Claudel's Tobie et Sara (Tobie and Sara), and Maurice Clavel's second play, La Terrasse de Midi (The Midday Terrace). Festival OFF d'Avignon 2020 - Du 3 au 26 juillet 2020 En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l’utilisation de cookies pour bénéficier d'une navigation optimale.