In addition to this, the,This article is about the Brussels-Capital Region. Posté le 25.04.2020. The region contributes to one fifth of Belgium's,Brussels is rated as the 34th most important financial centre in the world as of 2020, according to the.Brussels is a centre of both media and communications in Belgium, with many Belgian television stations, radio stations,Still other universities have campuses in Brussels, such as the French-speaking,Also a dozen of university colleges are located in Brussels, including two drama schools, founded in 1832: the French-speaking,Most of Brussels pupils between the ages of 3 and 18 go to schools organised by the,Brussels has a number of public or private-owned.Libraries in Brussels fall under the competence of the Communities and are usually separated between French-speaking and Dutch-speaking institutions, although some are mixed.Science and technology in Brussels is well developed with the presence of several.The Brussels-Capital Region is served by several airports, all of which are located outside of the administrative territory of the region. Both and neither!

Le Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale a présenté le 7 juillet son plan de relance et de redéploiement pour faire face à la pandémie du Covid-19 qui a profondément bouleversé la société et la vie des Bruxellois-es, le système socio-sanitaire et … Posté le … Unsure which city to choose? Popular Codes. For the municipality within it, see,Region of Belgium with 19 municipalities, including Brussels City,Capitals of European states and territories,The six municipalities with language facilities around Brussels are,The Brussels region's 56% residents of foreign origin include several percents of either.Slatin, Sonia. Where is the best place to stay in Brussels?
It became a financial centre, thanks to the dozens of companies launched by the,During the 19th century, the population of Brussels grew considerably; from about 80,000 to more than 625,000 people for the city and its surroundings. At the last Belgian census in 1991, 63.7% of inhabitants in Brussels-Capital Region answered that they were Belgian citizens, born as such in Belgium.

Brussels francophone? The construction of the.The Brussels-Capital Region was formed on 18 June 1989, after a constitutional reform in 1988.In recent years, Brussels has become an important venue for international events. Locate the correct postal codes for Bruxelles in the list above by choosing the destination city or town you are sending to. Australia.

et ses commerces ouverts certains dimanches de l'année .... comme ce 5 juin 2016 !L'émission Hep Taxi, des artistes et des bruxellois partagent Bruxelles avec vous!, un site néerlandophone d'actualités sur Bruxelles dépeint ses habitants.A Bruxelles, vous apprendrez qu’en semaine, la vie commence de bonne heure, et qu’au parfum de café se mêle celui de la foule, cosmopolite et fraîchement éveillée.A Bruxelles, vous comprendrez que le dimanche est sacré, qu’on s’y promène semi-éveillé, que le calme règne en maître dans les rues mais qu’on n’y manque jamais d’animations ou d’activités.A Bruxelles, vous rencontrerez bon nombre de belges au sourire large et à l’autodérision bien ancrée.A Bruxelles, vous découvrirez une architecture qui ne ressemble à aucune autre, vous vous promènerez les yeux perpétuellement grands ouverts.Parce que Bruxelles est également une des villes les plus vertes d’Europe, jamais vous ne manquerez de grand air.A Bruxelles, vous vous nourrirez au quotidien de culture à portée de main.A Bruxelles, vous découvrirez des quartiers aux ambiances variées, aux allures traditionnelles ou avant-gardistes, aux saveurs locales ou mélangées.Parce qu’à Bruxelles tout est lié et à proximité, vous passerez de l’un à l’autre sans difficulté.Arrivés dans la capitale comme expatriés, vous aurez tôt fait d’être adoptés, et d’adopter, surtout, Bruxelles la belle. However, there have been numerous individual or familial migrations towards Brussels since the end of the 18th century, including,Brussels has a large concentration of immigrants from other countries, and their children, including many of Moroccan (mainly,People of foreign origin make up nearly 70%,French-speaking immigration contributed to the,Only since the 1960s, after the fixation of the Belgian,Given its Dutch-speaking origins and the role that the,The two largest foreign groups come from two.In recent decades, owing to migration and the city's international role, Brussels is home to a growing number of foreign language speakers.