Dieser Artikel zeigt, wie Sie die InfluxDB unter Ubuntu 18.04 installieren und konfigurieren. This tutorial uses,wget -q -O - https://packages.grafana.com/gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -,sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://packages.grafana.com/oss/deb stable main". You can purchase a domain name on Namecheap, get one for free on Freenom, or use the domain registrar of your choice.

To complete the setup, you’ll need to enable redirects behind a reverse proxy. Server OS : Ubuntu 18.04 Disk Space : 50GB RAM : 2GB vCPU : 2 ★ How To Install Docker Community Edition On Centos 7 ★ How To Upgrade Zabbix Server 4.0 To 4.4 On CentOS 8 Step #01: Must be server update and upgrade done. In this step, you’ll update the credentials to improve security.On the next screen, you’ll be asked to make your account more secure by changing the default password:Enter the password you’d like to start using into the,In order to increase the security of your Grafana setup, click.You’ve now secured your account by changing the default credentials. In this tutorial, we will explain how to install Grafana on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver). Now you can add our new Graph to our default Datasource InfluxDB. Damit können die gewünschten gemessenen Werte an eine InfluxDB geschickt werden und anschließend mit einem Frontend wie Grafana angezeigt werden. Because an APT repository makes it easier to install and manage Grafana’s updates, you’ll use that method in this tutorial. You can install Grafana either by downloading it directly from its official website or by going through an APT repository. Next, you will make changes to your Grafana configuration so that nobody can create a new Grafana account without your permission.Grafana provides options that allow visitors to create user accounts for themselves and preview dashboards without registering. This is done by setting a.Save your configuration and close the file.Then, restart Grafana to activate the changes:Lastly, verify that the service is up and running.The output will indicate that the service is,Now, test your new authentication system by navigating to,On the login page, you’ll see a new section under the original,You will now be logged in with your existing Grafana account. Get a 30-day free trial.Enhanced version of Grafana with enterprise features, plugins and support,Enables Prometheus-as-a-Service for large organizations running at scale.Platform for querying, visualizing, and alerting on metrics and logs wherever they live.Highly scalable, multi-tenant, durable, and fast Prometheus implementation.Scalable monitoring system for timeseries data.Horizontally scalable, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus.Multi-tenant timeseries platform for Graphite.De facto monitoring system for Kubernetes and cloud native.Configuration utility for Kubernetes clusters, powered by Jsonnet.The latest news, releases, features, and how-tos.What end users are saying about Grafana, Cortex, Loki, and more.Ask questions, request help, and discuss all things Grafana.Guides for installation, getting started, and more.Re-watch all the talks from our first virtual conference.Step-by-step guides to help you make the most of Grafana.This page explains how to install Grafana dependencies, download and install Grafana, get the service up and running on your Debian or Ubuntu system, and also describes the installation package details.You can install Grafana using our official APT repository, by downloading a,If you install from the APT repository, then Grafana is automatically updated every time you run,We recommend all users install the Enterprise Edition of Grafana, which can be seamlessly upgraded with a Grafana Enterprise.Add this repository if you want beta releases:If you installed with the APT repository or.To start the service and verify that the service has started:Configure the Grafana server to start at boot:Grafana Labs uses cookies for the normal operation of this website.Create API Tokens and Dashboards for a Specific Organization,Add authentication for data source plugins.The most recent Grafana version is selected by default.Depending on which system you are running, click.Copy and paste the code from the installation page into your command line and run.
A fully registered domain name. One Ubuntu 18.04 server set up by following the Initial Server Setup Guide for Ubuntu 18.04, including a non-root user with sudo privileges and a firewall configured with ufw. Step #02: After complete then goto next step for install Grafana Prerequisites. Die Installation von Grafana erfolgt bequem über die in Ubuntu integrierte Paketverwaltung. Click on Data Sources to configure. Install Grafana. Install from APT repository If you install from the APT repository, then Grafana is automatically updated every time you run apt-get update. Die Installation von Grafana erfolgt bequem über die in Ubuntu integrierte Paketverwaltung.Da Grafana nicht in den offiziellen Paketquellen enthalten ist, fügen Sie das Grafana Repository wie folgt hinzu:Nachdem Sie die Paketquelle hinzugefügt haben, können Sie Grafana installieren und anschließend den SystemD-Dienst für Grafana aktivieren und starten:Die Konfiguration erfolgt danach gänzlich über das Grafana-Webinterface.Melden Sie sich mit Benutzernamen admin und Passwort admin an:Melden Sie sich per admin/admin am Webinterface an.Eine Aufforderung zum Ändern des Passwortes erscheint.Dieser Abschnitt zeigt, wie Sie eine InfluxDB als Datasource an Grafana anbinden:Nach der Anmeldung am Webinterface gelangen Sie zu folgender Anzeige, klicken Sie auf,Vergeben Sie der Datasource einen Namen, definieren Sie den Pfad zur InfluxDB, sowie die Datenbank, die angebunden werden soll, an. If a Grafana account doesn’t already exist for the user you logged in as, Grafana will create a new user account with.To change the default permissions for new users, open the main Grafana configuration file for editing.Set the directive to one of the following values:This tutorial will set the auto-assign to.Once you’ve saved your changes, close the file and restart Grafana:At this point, you have fully configured Grafana to allow members of your GitHub organization to register and use your Grafana installation.In this tutorial you installed, configured, and secured Grafana, and you also learned how to permit members of your organization to authenticate through GitHub.To extend your current Grafana installation, see the.You get paid; we donate to tech nonprofits.Sign up for Infrastructure as a Newsletter.Working on improving health and education, reducing inequality, and spurring economic growth? Login on the Dashboard and click on the Grafana icon (Fireball) in the upper left hand corner of the panel. Once you’re done, save and close the file by pressing.Now, test the new settings to make sure everything is configured correctly:Finally, activate the changes by reloading Nginx:You can now access the default Grafana login screen by pointing your web browser to.With the connection to Grafana encrypted, you can now implement additional security measures, starting with changing Grafana’s default administrative credentials.Because every Grafana installation uses the same administrative credentials by default, it is best practice to change your login information as soon as possible. In this post, I’ll walk you through the installation of Grafana 6 on Ubuntu / Debian.

However, when using Grafana online to work with sensitive data, anonymous access could be a security problem.
You can follow,An Nginx server block with Let’s Encrypt configured, which you can set up by following,In this first step, you will install Grafana onto your Ubuntu 18.04 server.