This site was designed with the .com. As soon as we have more information, this will be communicated on.The same applies here as for "regular" ticket buyers. Find out how you can help build the community ahead of the first ever Eurovision Asia Song Contest! Elle avait,Elisa arrive tout droit de l'ile de Madeire. ESPAGNE JUNIOR 2020 : Soleá Fernández à Varsovie,◼ RUSSIE JUNIOR 2020 : Les 11 Finalistes,◼ Sigue la actualidad de Eurovisión 2020 en The EBU and its Dutch Members NPO, NOS and AVROTROS are producing a new show, 'Eurovision: Europe Shine A Light', to ai… SUÈDE 2021 : Julia Alfrida au MelodiFestivalen 2021,◼ À l'affiche ce Samedi soir : SUÈDE 2021 - Finale de P4 Nästa 2020,◼ We know the decision is disappointing for many, but the EBU and its Members.In making the decision the Reference Group took into account that the EBU, the 41 participating broadcasters and Universal Music would be showcasing this year’s songs and artists in alternative programming, on a tribute CD and on all our digital channels as much as possible in the coming weeks.They also looked at the fact that bringing the same songs to the ESC 2021 would not be in the spirit of the Contest and the excitement and engagement created every year during “selection season” would be lost. A Contest later in the year would also reduce the amount of time the winning broadcaster would have to prepare for the following year’s competition.We are carefully following the advice of the relevant authorities to protect the health and wellbeing of all citizens. We therefore have no choice other than to cancel the show.However, participating broadcasters can choose to send the artist selected for this year’s Contest should they wish, or choose a new one. Histoire, anecdotes, participants, résultats, photos et présentations vidéos vous feront redécouvrir l'Eurovision. Când EBU a confirmat artiștii concurenți pentru Eurovision Junior 2020, unii fani au fost dezamăgiți de faptul că doar 13 țări au confirmat prezența. Further information on cookies and how Dutch restrictions on gatherings of large numbers of people and international travel restrictions mean that holding the event, even without an audience, is impossible at this time.It’s in the DNA of the Eurovision Song Contest to bring delegations, artists and fans together in one place and provide an equal platform for all artists to compete together on the same stage and the same opportunity to shine. Eurovision Junior 2020: EBU dezvăluie că va accepta confirmări târzii. We felt that under the extreme circumstances we face this year, organizing the Eurovision Song Contest in another way would not be in keeping with our values and the tradition of the event.The unique format of the Song Contest as an international live event means that it is not possible to identify any realistic alternative. Elle vient,La finale nationale danoise s'est déroulée sans le public habituel,La production polonaise avait annoncé la couleur : elle voulait,Pour beaucoup de personnes, la première écoute de la chanson,Que peut-on faire un lendemain d'Eurovision quand on se retrouve,Les Pays-Bas remportent le trophée pour la 5ème fois de,A quelques heures du début du Live show de la,ALERTE ROUGE - Il ne faut absolument pas manquer la.Et si finalement les bookmakers étaient dans le vrai ?Le deuxièmer acte de l'Eurovision 2019 vient de s'achever ce,La seconde demi-finale est prometteuse avec un paquet de favoris,Voici le top 5 des performances à ne pas rater,Eurovision 2020 – Russie Little Big – Uno,Eurovision 2020 – Suède – The Mamas – Move,Eurovision 2020 – Azerbaïdjan Samira Efendi – Cleopatra,Eurovision 2020 – Malte Destiny Chukunyere – All Of My Love.Eurovision 2020 – Saint-Marin Senhit – Freaky!Eurovision 2020 – Portugal – Elisa – Medo De Sentir,Eurovision 2020 – Danemark – Ben & Tan – Yes,Eurovision 2020 – Finlande – Top 3 Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu 2020,Eurovision 2020 – Islande – Top 3 Söngvakeppnin 2020,Eurovision 2020 – Norvège – Top 5 Melodi Grand Prix.Eurovision 2020 – Lituanie – Top 5 Pabandom Iš Naujo!Eurovision 2020 – Arménie – Top 5 DEPI EVRATESIL 2020,Eurovision 2020 – Italie – Top 5 SANREMO 2020,EUROVISION 2020 – Australie – TOP 5 Australia Decides 2020,Eurovision 2020 – République Tchèque – Top 5 ESCZ 2020.Eurovision Junior 2019 – La Pologne fait un doublé !Eurovision Junior 2019 : Tous derrière Carla !Eurovision Junior 2019 – France – Carla – Bim Bam Toi – Répétition.Eurovision Junior 2019 – France – Carla – Be Curious !Eurovision 2019 – Une jolie victoire du Pays-Bas, mais par défaut.Les Pays-Bas remportent leur 5ème eurovision !En direct de Tel Aviv – Le Top 10 des moments à ne pas rater lors de la grande finale,En direct de Tel Aviv : Un ordre de passage qui fait toujours polémique.En direct de Tel Aviv : Les 10 qualifiés de la seconde demi-finale !En Direct de Tel Aviv – Pronostics de la 2ème demi-finale,En Direct de Tel Aviv – Le top 5 des moments à ne pas rater lors de la 2ème demi-finale.