Nathaël Julan (Montivilliers, 1996. július 16. 2014. május 11-én mutatkozott be a Le Havre második csapatában az Arras ellen, mint saját nevelésű játékos. Career. Der 23-Jährige erlag in der Folge des Unfalls seinen Verletzungen.Auf Twitter drückt der Verein sein Beileid aus: "EA Guingamp trauert.

According to sources, the player was returning to his home from training. He was a French professional footballer who last played as a forward for the French club Guingamp. In der aktuellen Saison gehörte er nicht zu den Stammspielern.RTL Fernsehprogramm von heute - aktuelles TV Programm. Nathaël Julan ehemaliger Fußballspieler aus Frankreich Mittelstürmer * 19.07.1996 in Montvilliers, Frankreich We give you trending news and famous personalities all around the world.For the advertisement, Copyright issues, related queries or any miscellaneous stuff, email us at,Nathaël Julan Wiki [Dead], Age, Family, Girlfriend, Net Worth, Bio,Eid Aljazairli Wiki, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Family, Net Worth, Biography,Francesca Reale Wiki, Age, Height, Boyfriend, Net Worth, Family, Bio,Navid Afkari Wiki, Biography, Age, Wrestling Record, …,Jessica Krug Wiki [Professor], Bio, Age, Husband, …,Nicole Poturalski Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Husband, …,Kim Klacik Wiki, Bio, Age, Height, Husband …,Dr. Likewise, reports suggest that the accident happened around 15:00 GMT on Friday, 3 rd January. « C’était quelqu’un de joyeux et souriant, il cherchait toujours à rigoler. Ce 16 janvier marquait la date de la cérémonie d’adieu à la cathédrale Notre-Dame du Havre, qui s’est déroulée dans une atmosphère tendue.

Nathaël Julan: Személyes adatok: Teljes név: Nathaël Julan: Születési név: Nathaël Antoine Julian Julan: Születési dátum: 1996. július 16.

On January 1, he posted the picture of himself with his mother and captioned “G R A T E F U L”.Curently, he was in a relationship with his Girlfriend named Marina and her Instagram account is filled with a sad tribute to Nathaël Julan.On October 25, 2019, he posted a picture of himself along with her Girlfriend and captioned “1.. 2.. 3… Perfect !”.Estimated Net Worth of him is $500k USD as of 2019.

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Au Havre, le port joue la carte écolo,Une nouvelle directrice en poste à l’hôpital Durécu-Lavoisier de Darnétal, près de Rouen.

Engagé à Guingamp en janvier 2018, il avait été prêté à Valenciennes en Ligue 2, disputant 13 matches sous les couleurs du club hennuyer, il avait inscrit 2 buts, dont 1 décisif pour le maintien contre Le Havre. he French football community mourns his death and the entirety of the Get French Football News family is praying and thinking for his colleagues, family, and friends.

Je t’aime ♥️ .C’est donc tout naturellement « qu’avec les copains, on voulait faire quelque chose pour lui », poursuit-il. Adeline Fagan Wiki [Doctor], Biography, Age, …. It is believed to have been on his way home from training but was he involved in a brutal accident near the Saint-Brieuc.Guingamp confirmed the news via a statement, saying: “The club had the immense pain of learning this afternoon of the accidental death of their player Nathael Julan. Then, he made 10 appearances for the club in Ligue 1 in 2018-19 and a further three in cup competitions before joining Valenciennes on loan for the rest of the season. Der französische Fußball trauert um Nathaël Julan.

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