Mazzella knew that if there were such a thing as an online ride-sharing service, it would be massive.As soon as he returned to Paris he did his research. ",On top of that, businesses demanded the service be tailored to suit their specific needs. BlaBlaCar owns and operates the Site (defined herein below) in India. To build a cohesive global brand they’d need a single name that worked everywhere. ".The company already offered female-only trips and it ensures members can report situations that make them feel uncomfortable. So all the European companies became the French leader of that, or the German leader of this, or the UK champion of something else," he says. BlaBlaCar brengt bestuurders en passagiers met dezelfde bestemming samen - 65 miljoen betrouwbare leden besparen tot wel 70% op hun reiskosten! BlaBlaCar does not implicitly or explicitly support or endorse any of the Members availing Services from the Site.3.3 BlaBlaCar is not a party to any agreement between a Car Owner and Co-Traveler and will not be liable to either the Car Owner or the Co-Traveler unless the loss or damage incurred arises due to BlaBlaCar’s negligence.3.4 BlaBlaCar shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising as a result of:A false, misleading, inaccurate or incomplete information being provided by a Member;The cancellation of a Trip by a Car Owner or Co-Traveler;Any failure to make payment of a Cost Contribution (for the free service without booking);Any fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation or breach of duty or breach of any of these Conditions by a Car Owner or Co-Traveler before, during or after a Trip.BlaBlaCar will not be liable to any Member for any business, financial or economic loss or for any consequential or indirect loss such as lost reputation, lost bargain, lost profit, lost of anticipated savings or lost opportunity arising as a result of the services provided by BlaBlaCar (whether suffered or incurred as a result of the BlaBlaCar’s negligence or otherwise) except in the case of fraud, wilful concealment or theft.BlaBlaCar’s liability to any Member for all losses in respect of any Trip is capped at the sum of INR 1,000/- (Indian Rupees One Thousand only).BlaBlaCar will not be liable to any Member in relation to any Trip unless BlaBlaCar is notified of a claim relating to that Trip within 3 months of completion of the Trip.Given that Car Owners are required to hold valid insurance to cover a Trip and given that BlaBlaCar’s service is limited to putting Car Owners and Co-Travelers in touch with each other and cannot oversee any Trip, Members accept that the limitations on the BlaBlaCar’s liability set out above are reasonable.4.1 Members will indemnify and hold harmless BlaBlaCar, its subsidiaries, affiliates and their respective officers, directors, agents and employees, from any claim or demand, or actions including reasonable attorney’s fees, made by any third party or penalty imposed due to or arising out of your breach of these Conditions or any document incorporated by reference, or your violation of any law, rules, regulations or the rights of a third party.4.2 Members release BlaBlaCar and/or its affiliates and/or any of its officers and representatives from any cost, damage, liability or other consequence of any of the actions/inactions of the Members and specifically waiver any claims or demands that they may have in this behalf under any statute, contract or otherwise.The format and content included on the Site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads, data compilations, and software, is the property of BlaBlaCar, its affiliates or its content suppliers and is protected by India and international copyright, authors’ rights and database right laws.All rights are reserved in relation to any registered and unregistered trademarks (whether owned or licensed to BlaBlaCar) which appear on the Site.The Site or any portion of the Site may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without the express written consent of BlaBlaCar. "I had 250 names that I cut down to a shortlist of 30 which I sent to friends and family. It was here that he met Brusson, a French entrepreneur who’d experienced the ups and downs of running a tech company in Silicon Valley. It was really just, like, this kind of embryo project, and then we started to work together on business plan," Brusson says.They entered INSEAD’s business venture competition with a booking system that resembles the system BlaBlaCar uses now. He’d committed to go home for Christmas in 2003 but, busy at his job with Kabira Technologies, a transaction-processing platform, he had left his travel plans to the last minute. He knew the importance of building a model that would stand up to the rigours of an unpredictable market. Guillaume Pepy, president of the SNCF rail network that didn’t have a ticket to sell Mazzella back in 2003, has identified BlaBlaCar as a chief competitor. In early 2015, the service launched in India following successful roll-outs in Turkey and Russia. You have a huge motivation for the passenger to actually take a BlaBlaCar," Brusson says.Or, if you are planning a long drive somewhere, you can post the trip details and the cost per seat. Right now the focus is summed up as "footprint, footprint, footprint".A fresh $100 million investment was announced in July 2014 to bankroll expansion to Asia, South America and eventually North America.Dominique Vidal of Index Partners says the company has proven it can reach not just cash-poor twentysomethings but also people in their 50s and 60s. BlaBlaCar will neither be liable nor responsible for any actions or inactions of Members nor any breach of conditions, representations or warranties by the Members. You are betting the entire company on this fucking name?’".The company culture also underwent an abrupt shift.