“XML Documentation File” entry under “Outputs”. set to errors.VS.NET Task List flagging XML commenting error.With that enabled you can start to use the special XML tags in your procedure “headers”. A method is filled with explanatory comments.Comments are usually created with the best of intentions, when the author realizes that his or her code isn’t intuitive or obvious.

Use code to indicate multiple lines as code. build but will be flagged in the VS.NET Task List. reference to a .NET project that has XML commenting enabled, the XML documentation file we After 3 years of work, I've finally released the ebook on design patterns!Alternative Classes with Different Interfaces,Change Unidirectional Association to Bidirectional,Change Bidirectional Association to Unidirectional,Replace Magic Number with Symbolic Constant,Consolidate Duplicate Conditional Fragments,Replace Nested Conditional with Guard Clauses. David Bernstein has no idea how the debate on code comments is still going on because believes that code comments are bad - period. That is, only A and B are assigned values, while C and D are not. Copy and Paste code snippet Copy and paste the code snippet into the HTML of the website or webpage where you want to … If the procedure had any arguments there should now be a param tag for each one.It is clear from just this feature, how useful XML commenting is. MSDN style documentation and Intellisense within the code window.

The.I have drawn attention to areas in the picture and their corresponding XML comment tags.Again I have drawn attention to areas in the picture and their Does someone know how to achieve this? In such cases, comments are like a deodorant masking the smell of fishy code that could be improved.The best comment is a good name for a method or class.If you feel that a code fragment can’t be understood without comments, try to change the code structure in a way that makes comments unnecessary.If a comment is intended to explain a complex expression, the expression should be split into understandable subexpressions using,If a comment explains a section of code, this section can be turned into a separate method via,If a method has already been extracted, but comments are still necessary to explain what the method does, give the method a self-explanatory name. 3. other. Most of us will have experienced the dread of updating documentation at some point or Note: If you are submitting Theme to WordPress Directory, code commenting should not be used. C/AL Comments 09/06/2016 2 minutes to read In this article You can insert comments about your C/AL code or comment out parts of your code to prevent execution. While looking at the code, I can plainly see the relationship of the property to its backing variable; documentation thereof is not needed. The.With the combination of NDoc and VS.Net & C#’s ability to produce The list below is the complete set currently This can be especially useful when trying to locate a problem, or when a program refuses to compile and the compiler error is cryptic or unhelpful.Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.Suggest corrections and new documentation via GitHub. There is a tool that comes with VS.NET that you Any problems that occur when trying to generate the file will not prevent a Comments are usually created with the best of intentions, when the author realizes that his or her code isn’t intuitive or obvious. of the line:Comments does not have to be text to explain the code, it can also be used to Remember the first time you looked at.Comments in HTML or PHP pages (outside of the PHP code) look like this:Comments inside of PHP code look like this:Most people familiar with HTML and CSS would recognize that the,Typically, if someone is going to modify your carefully constructed and tested theme, there is a presumption that all of the style codes are in the.As important as it is to create the most wonderful and innovative design, it is also important to help the user use your design.To hide or deactivate PHP code in a template file:https://codex.wordpress.org/index.php?title=Commenting_Code&oldid=122057. personally, I use this more to conditionally include code for new feature testing, than to block it out,,,, but hey, to each their own :) this is also the only safe way I know of to easily nest comments in any language, and great for multi-file use, if the conditional variables are placed in an include :) Let’s take a quick look at the two different types of JavaScript comment syntax.Single-line comments are written with two forward slashes (//):All characters immediately following the // syntax until the end of the line will be ignored by JavaScript.Block comments, sometimes referred to as mutli-line comments, are written with opening tags (/*) and closing tags (*/). #This is a comment,W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training. While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our. 3.

In such cases, comments are like a deodorant masking the smell of fishy code that could be improved. But it doesn't have a gui interface, so you can also download SandCastle Help File Builder which gives you the same interface as NDoc (http://www.codeplex.com/SHFB).How can i put a comment in the actual property window.The tutorial above creates a comment xml file.how can i use the said xml file to be able to create a comment that will display as a description when i click the control located at the properties window.