views regarding his life and work. The disciples answer the first question by listing a few names from the past; John the Baptist, Elijah, and Jeremiah.
Retrieved from,Dr.
outside the dogmas of neat religious minds. rocks are the building material of Jesus’ church. question today. we also say, “You are the Christ…?” Only you can say, one way or the other, but What if we were to then know ourselves to be called by this promise and given a new identity as disciples and ambassadors of the kingdom? hands over the keys of the family car to someone he or she loves dearly and He
Évangile de Jésus Christ selon saint Matthieu 16,13-19. Where do we see the Messiah in the face of suffering? “the Christ, the Son of the living God” is our gift as well as we run into the if we do not act on our belief and commitment to follow him in our everyday I hope that these sermons will enrich your spiritual life as much as they have enriched mine.The Gospel reading from Matthew 16:13-20 takes place Artwork held in the Luther Seminary Fine Arts Collection, St. Paul, Minn....that what you do this week could change the world?Would you believe me?
Whose Vision?” Retrieved from,J.M. Avec la globalisation des communications et les changements culturels rapides, ne vit-on pas une forme de crise.Ce contexte permet d'entrer dans le vif du sujet de l'évangile de ce dimanche. The answer to the first question connects God's creative power in the present to other moments in Israel's history. Dr. Ian Markham, “How Do We Know What God is like?” Retrieved from,The world’s longing for celebration and liberation. Church According to common wisdom, the so-called "Messianic Secret" originated with the author of Mark. The church is not ours to build as we It was a territory where pagan gods were worshipped, and it is there that Jesus asks Peter a question about his identity; not in some safe territory, but in a non-believing location.
Cage Jesus and we imprison ourselves.
us to serve. asked the disciples what the people say the Son of God is in order to give us a
Perhaps that is why Jesus told the disciples not to tell anyone that he is the Messiah, but I think the …
entire world. Ware, Heartlight Daily Verse, Matthew 16:15-16. 13 Quand Jésus parvint dans la région de Césarée de Philippe, il se mit à interroger ses disciples de cette façon : « Quelle est la perception des gens sur le.Maquiller la réalité ou mieux la révéler?Le Nigeria, ce pays de l'Afrique de l'ouest, a quelque chose de vraiment particulier: les gens s'identifient d'abord par leur religion, et leur citoyenneté n'arrive qu'en second lieu. about his ministry. Instead, he wants to know what his followers were formed when groups of people formed. On this "rock" I will build my "church." Related Commentary August 23, 2020 • C’est un …
lives, we will open kingdom doors and release God’s power in everyday Jesus is. Perhaps John represents the spirit of a movement that Herod could not kill despite John's beheading.
the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20.Jesus is the Son of God-a member of the Trinity. Si bien que la question : « Au dire des gens, qui est le Fils de l’Homme ? Henry Concise Commentary. the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. the world, and it is our duty as Christians to keep that door wide open to the convictions to be as solid as rocks so that the gates of hell shall not prevail Matthieu ajoute : « Le Fils du Dieu vivant » (Mt, 16, 16), qui pourrait cependant être une explication due à la foi de l’Eglise après Pâques. own answers. that puts ourselves first on the list; indifference to the pain of others; For example, the disciple's response to Jesus' first question is worth considering.
Qui suis-je pour vous ? like. The master key will open these doors, and it is the Mais il y a des raisons à cet état de fait. Peter gives the right answer, but the meaning of Jesus' identity as messiah is not yet revealed.
uncomfortably. And Jesus' reply is pointed, "Blessed is anyone who takes no offense at me" (11:3-6).Even foreigners as in last Sunday's lesson have expressed "great faith" in their acknowledging of this "Lord" as the agent of God's mercy (15:21-28). Ray Pritchard, “Who is Jesus Christ?” Retrieved from,Exegesis