Then he asked me if I want to help a charity. What I m wondering is could someone fake the dates. If I block them, then I see it saying “blocked” where it typically would say follow/following.I started following one of my favorite actors and although, I wish it were him, I’m pretty sure this guy has better things to do than chit chat with me and want pictures and ask all about my life. Twitter is a useful way to find recent information quickly (such as during emergency events), keep updated on your favorite people’s movements and stay connected with people and issues you care about.Why the emphasis on tweets being "clever"?This is really no different than requiring any online writing to be interesting and engaging. With 300+ followers, grown the slow way. Twitter works by leaving short messages known as “tweets” with your followers, and in turn you read the tweets of persons, celebrities and companies of interest to you. For fun you can go to,How do you know if an account is still active?or someone else is using that account is that possible?? I’ve had a rash of fake followers recently, that share many of the attributes you’ve listed above, plus a few others:* The profile image is invariably a “hot babe” pic, often in a bikini or a tight t-shirt. Add the time of your tweet, the number of likes and retweets to customize your fake … 31,000 tweets later, I’m still on Twitter. Briefly looking at this account, I do suspect it uses quite a bit of automation and did not appear to have any @replies – just RT’s which can be automated as well.Not that using automation is bad, it’s just that you do need to mix in some real interaction. Though generally harmless, they contribute nothing and skew statistical data.100,000 followers wont help find customers if they are all bots.Good point Bart. Perhaps I’m missing something, but what’s in it for them? Beer ninja. If the majority are fake, then more than likely most of the RT’s could be from bots.Hi, Chris; I have some comments & questions. So im very glad you did..!! Boy, it was too good to be true. Bacon geek. Then “it” is following me back. If you never RT, then you’re effectively saying that no one else’s tweets are worth passing on – and few real people would say that. Not a bot. Generating Fake tweets is common these days, especially Fake tweets for celebrities like Imran Khan, Trump etc. I never actually had someone message me back on a site like this that answers questions. Here’s a good one tho, a bad knockoff. I did not see it with this account…so I would tend to agree with you. Posting tweets with a link is perfectly acceptable.I would say twitter is full of much more than 4%, more like 50% are fake. ?I think you misread it #6 says “Incoherent Tweets” and the second sentence says:“However, there are many fake accounts that simply post gibberish or random incoherent thoughts that make absolutely no sense.”.So this point is referring to people tweeting things just just don’t make sense or read properly. He said this was his own personal account but the photos are the same for the profile.I would say it is a fake/imposter. Can you link to the Twitter account?Chris, I can’t figure out how to link it @Mexicanacivist . You’ve seen the more obvious follower-bots on Twitter, but the black market creating them are getting more advanced. Once you have more than one account, you can toggle between your different accounts using a long-press on the profile icon, or switch between accounts from the top menu.Twitter is a form of social media and networking that allows you to share your own messages, read other people’s updates and keep informed of current news items and happenings.