UNECE aims to help countries to develop norms and conventions. IUCN has for mission to influence, encourage, assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.IUCN is a hybrid organization, they are not attached to the UN but they work very close to UN agencies. So many of the environmental challenges are derived from how we consume and how we produce.There is a tremendous growth in the interest on the nexus between economic development and environmental sustainability, within Geneva and globally.Although it is not taking place in Geneva, the OECD will convene its.Geneva is the main international hub on human rights issues. In 2016, they added a new category of membership: the indigenous people organizations, with currently 17 intergovernmental organizations that are dealing with indigenous people. The.The IUCN World Conservation Congress is seen as a milestone in that process, gathering IUCN members and others that come to the congress to keep the discussion going on those targets and goals that need to be set for nature conservation. WMO works with the permanent representatives who are usually the heads of the national meteorological services, representing their countries.WHO has five strategic pillars: support of global infrastructure, development of services to the user community, development of related science, promotion of regional cooperation, and support of the members.WMO created a network of observational stations to provide information about weather, climate, water and environment. Many multilateral agreements were born out of resolutions and recommendations from IUCN, some in Geneva as the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and the CITES, among others.IUCN engages through a lot of field projects and actions on the ground to influence policy decision making for better conservation, information…,Concerning the Nature Agenda, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) published a,Based on the Global Assessment, the international community is renewing its strategic plan for biodiversity and new targets for biodiversity (ongoing). Saisie d'un recours notamment du TCS, la Chambre constitutionnelle accorde en partie l'effet suspensif. Mais nous continuons de plaider pour un système unique dans tout le pays, plutôt que de laisser chaque canton agir de son côté.»,Macaron antipollution: la justice suspend les amendes,Les vignettes antipollution vendues sept fois leur prix,Genève inaugure, non sans peine, son dispositif antismog. Starting in December, motorists can buy stickers for CHF5 from service stations, the Geneva cantonal vehicle service and from other outlets.Police and fire vehicles, diplomatic cars, taxis and vans for passengers with disabilities are among those exempted.The rule also applies to vehicles from other cantons and countries. Its mandate is to foster economic integration and to promote sustainable development. Several of UNECE mandates have a global outreach.The Regional Forum on Sustainable Development is planned to be in March 2021 followed by the Commission Session of UNECE focusing on application of circular economy principles in sustainable tourism.The environmental agenda in Geneva is strong and we have to contribute and act now. Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) is one of the largest European lakes: with 582 km. When not writing, she presents and produces podcasts and videos.The ban will apply to all vehicles – Swiss and foreign – and be enforced during smog alerts, effective January 15, 2020. Lors d’épisodes de pollution, le Canton interdit aux véhicules les moins propres d’entrer dans le périmètre de la moyenne ceinture, au cœur de l’agglomération.La mesure était entrée en force pour la première fois le 23 janvier dernier, lors d’un pic de pollution, suscitant la controverse. Finally, the Stockholm Convention treats industrial chemicals, pesticides and by-products. When a vehicle’s design means that it doesn’t have a windscreen, the Stick'AIR sticker can be affixed in a place highly visible at any time. Geneva is the first place in Switzerland to take such action. They have members coming from the states and governments agencies as well as a large number of members coming from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) situated around the world, at different levels of governance with big international NGOs and other small, concrete, field-based organizations.