Ryanair challenges Portugal’s TAP bailout. Best example is Germany at the moment, where all bailout measures were extended until end of 2021 (which happens to be right after the elections). New quarantine measures have now been announced for all British travellers returning to the UK. ",Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary has warned the low-budget carrier won’t fly if it is required to.The airline chief said he expected 80 per cent of the carrier’s schedule to resume by September if flights in Europe started again in early July - but only if it was allowed to use all of the seats on its planes.Customers are being sent e-mails advising that anyone requesting a cash refund will be put in a queue until the pandemic has stopped.The low-cost airline will not be processing refunds until "the Covid-19 crisis has abated".The airline explained: "As our payment agents are required to stay at home in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, payment security restrictions prevent us from processing cash refunds. Geez get over yourself.TAP have screwed me for a Tel-Aviv/Lisbon return flight by cancelling without returning my money. The Portuguese Ministry of Tourism "Visit Portugal" is just as shifty!Companies are bailed out by taxpayer money because the governing parties are afraid that they won't be reelected if then don't do it. Who do they think they are? Lisbon, Portugal (istock) Portugal travel: What new rules are in place for British travellers? The skies are full of planes, the roads chockablock with cars and the polluting carries on, in the air and on the ground. ".They added: "With low loads, social distancing will be optimised on-board and we ask all passengers to cooperate fully with our crews who are doing their best in difficult times to maintain vital links to/from Ireland and to/from the UK to facilitate our passengers and their families to deal with emergencies that may require urgent travel over the coming days and weeks. We should allow them to fail so they can be run efficiently like a proper business and not a department of the government!© 2020 The Portugal News - Established 1977.Read this week's issue online exactly as it appears in print.All content and design is copyright Anglopress Lda and The News Group of Newspapers,Portugal does not have to “choose between economy and health”,Minister advocates raising minimum wage “significantly”,Economy “will get worse before it starts to improve”,Auchan Retail invests €17m in new Portugal HQ,NASA satellite found Post-Tropical Storm Alpha fizzle over Portugal and Spain - Phys.org,Portugal's airport plans threaten wetlands - Science Magazine,2020 Portugal Open final results: Prize money payout and leaderboard - Golf News Net,Peoria’s Jemia Carpenter to Start Pro Hoops Career in Portugal - CIProud.com,5 Reasons Why UK Expats Prefer Portugal - News Anyway,EDC Portugal is Official for Summer 2021 - EDMTunes,Subtropical Storm Alpha forms off Portugal's coast - KATC Lafayette News,Portugal Reports Highest Covid Count In Over 4 Months - Forbes. RYANAIR, easyJet and British Airways are waiving all change fees for flights due to coronavirus.

"Job cuts and pay cuts will also be extended to head office and back office teams. Ryanair challenges Portugal's TAP bailout Low-cost pioneer Ryanair said on Thursday, August 27, it had taken its challenge over Portuguese aid for state-owned carrier TAP to the European courts. The airlines are removing the cost for passengers who are uncertain about their future holiday plans. Irish carrier has also challenged aid packages for other rival carriers including SAS, Air France and Lufthansa, insisting that it gets by without such help.I'm saying no to all airlines, I'd rather live without them. The Irish-based carrier told Agence France-Presse it was appealing against a June decision by the European Commission to authorize a €1.2-billion ($1.5-billion) rescue loan for ailing TAP to keep it afloat as the coronavirus pandemic.Lisbon then announced last month it was taking the carrier back into majority state ownership, boosting its stake to 72.5% from 50% with the 55-million-euro purchase of half of the Atlantic Gateway consortium's stake controlled by United States businessman David Neeleman.Portugal argues the move, which will see the fleet pared down and routes scrapped, will permit restructuring and TAP's long-term viability.Ryanair argues the cash injection amounts to illegal state support.The commission said in June the aid did not violate competition rules and also last week green-lighted 290 million euros in aid for Brussels Airlines, part of the Lufthansa Group.But Ryanair's legal director Juliusz Komorek told Portuguese daily.The Irish carrier has also challenged aid packages for other rival carriers including SAS, Air France, and Lufthansa, insisting that it gets by without such help. Suchen. News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services.The flights are mainly operating between the UK and Ireland, but it is also flying between London and Berlin, Lisbon, Budapest and Eindhoven.The airline has cancelled 99 per cent of their planes with the remaining aircraft used to provide repatriation and rescue flights for various EU Governments.The limited schedule was to last from March 27 to April to April 30, and they have since extended this with additional London Stansted routes to Porto, Sofia and Bucharest.The latest statement from the company said: "As most EU countries have imposed flight bans or other restrictions, over 99 per cent of Ryanair’s aircraft are grounded for the coming weeks. Latest travel advice,Turkey the most popular hol this autumn and 19% cheaper than last year.Quarantine list UK: Which countries are on the list?Oktoberfest 2020 - where to celebrate the beer festival in the UK this year,©News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. Why are these big carriers too big to fail. AFP. None of them should get a bail out but to act like they're oh so better? Here are your options if you have a Ryanair flight booked Ryanair is giving Brits the opportunity to snap up cheap flights to Portugal with a brand new sale..