dimanche 4 novembre 2012. The notions that you need to be familiar with are dealt with differently from one teacher to the other. The story says that in the United States of America, everything is possible. Aucune partie de ce site ne peut être reproduite sans notre autorisation écrite.of the United States after the Second World War),financial (Wall Street being the most powerful financial place of the world),symbolical (the power of language, of music),Do not forget to talk about where these powers are being,I would advise to pick a more symbolic form of power as your second part in your presentation to show the examiner that you understand that power is not only political. Keep in mind that this is a proposition of what you can do with « Myths and heroes » during your oral exam but many other ideas can be put forward. because they do not correspond to later societies’ ideals.) Commentaire d'anglais .

European settlers (=.)

Thus, this myth serves a political agenda.However, the rampant poverty in this country deeply questions this myth.Those two modern myths allow you to illustrate the social impact of mythology. Comme des milliers de personnes, recevez gratuitement chaque semaine une leçon d'anglais ! Do not hesitate to talk about what interests you if it is relevant ! The second one is the myth of the American dream, of the “rags-to-riches” story (=,). Vous savez à quel point il est utile de lire des copies (que ce soient les vôtres ou celles de vos khâmarades). N’hésite pas également à lire.©2020 Up2School, SAS. Some historians today talk about a real genocide.The most obvious example of the mythification of the creation of the United States of America is the celebration of Thanksgiving.In the myth, Native Americans are celebrated as a sharing people that helped the settlers develop their first colonies. To have power is to have influence on people or on the world. A poor man can become a billionaire if he sets his heart to it (=.Even today, politicians tell the American people that their poverty is their responsibility and that they can overcome anything, which allows the government not to invest into its people’s welfare.

Aucune partie de ce site ne peut être reproduite sans notre autorisation écrite.It usually revolves around a hero that is either.As society evolves, myths and heroes do too and tend to adapt to the new society’s culture.. Do not forget to,Les scénarios d’usage et expériences utilisateurs,Corrigé du bac d’anglais LV1 2016 (S-ES-L) – métropole,Corrigé du bac d’anglais LV1 2018 (S-ES-L),Les Écoles de commerce à Marseille et à Aix,Écoles d’ingénieurs en aéronautique et aérospatial. Power is the ability to control and influence other elements or other people. came to America and destroyed the Native Americans lives: they took their resources, their food and entered a devastating war that led to the quasi-disappearance of Native Americans. Americans are portrayed as grateful and Thanksgiving has become the utmost celebration of sharing.However, it is now widely accepted that the cohabitation with Native Americans and the European settlers has never been peaceful.Moreover, the expenses on Thanksgiving and the food waste resulting from this dinner tend to qualify (=,America seems to have been built on several myths. is widely held. To do so, you can discuss.during the Cold War that aimed at winning support from foreign countries by exporting American goods such as Coca-Cola and broadcasting ads celebrating the American way of life is another example of the power of art and of popular culture to promote a political agenda.Les scénarios d’usage et expériences utilisateurs,Corrigé du bac d’anglais LV1 2016 (S-ES-L) – métropole,Corrigé du bac d’anglais LV1 2018 (S-ES-L),Les Écoles de commerce à Marseille et à Aix,Écoles d’ingénieurs en aéronautique et aérospatial,an agenda : un objectif, un but, souvent caché,to entice someone into doing something : pousser quelqu’un à faire quelque chose,to lure someone into doing something : manipuler quelqu’un pour qu’il fasse quelque chose.