Manuel Valls, Self: Le journal de 20 heures. "He has shown himself as man of authority but it is too early to say if he is an effective prime minister," one French journalist told BBC News. Però Valls ho ha descartat, i no pas perquè no tingui possibilitats polítiques, sinó perquè és "profundament francès".La periodista que l'entrevistava ha posat cara de sorpresa perquè Valls no va seguir aquest criteri per entrar en política catalana. ",His "passionate" embrace of his new country is one reason pundits like to compare him to.Another reason is the hard line Mr Valls adopted as interior minister under his predecessor as prime minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault.Like Mr Sarkozy when he was interior minister, Mr Valls became identified with expulsions of jobless Roma (foreign Gypsies) living in makeshift camps on the margins of French cities. ",New French PM Manuel Valls vows cuts in tax and spending,French President Hollande names Valls as new PM,Trump plan to fill Supreme Court spot gathers pace,At least 90 whales dead in stranding off Australia,English pubs to close at 10pm amid Covid spread,The fireman 'saving what's not burnt' of the Amazon.
".The outgoing government "lived in a bubble of real leftists and social democrats but the bubble is now burst," added the journalist, who declined to be named.A Socialist party adviser, who also did not wish to be named, told BBC News that the real problem was not party divisions but the general economic crisis facing most EU states.In the opinion of the adviser, the big test for Mr Valls now is whether he can see through real reform, and namely the Socialists' flagship project of streamlining regional government.The territorial reform bill, which will refashion France's 22 regions into 13, angered some radical leftists in the government when it was passed by the lower house of parliament in July.
Manuel Carlos Valls i Galfetti (Barcellona, 13 agosto 1962) è un politico francese con cittadinanza spagnola, Primo ministro della Francia dal 31 marzo 2014 al 6 dicembre 2016 Biografia. He has spent all his political career in France - as a mayor, a member of the National Assembly, a minister and the head of the government.French President-elect Emmanuel Macron won an offer of support from Socialist ex-prime minister Manuel Valls yesterday as he and his aides worked on strategy ahead of parliamentary elections crucial to his reform plans.The 39-year-old centrist’s emphatic election victory over the anti-European Union Marine Le Pen of the National Front (FN) on Sunday brought relief to France’s EU allies and financial markets.Former Prime Minister Manuel Valls said on Wednesday he would vote for Emmanuel Macron in France's presidential election, becoming the biggest Socialist Party name to turn his back on its official candidate and support the centrist instead.While it was not clear if Valls' defection would benefit poll favorite Macron, who politely thanked Valls, it prompted angry responses from many Socialists and media speculation about the survival of the largest left-wing party.French Socialists are set to choose their candidate for this year's presidential election on Sunday in a runoff pitting pro-business ex-premier Manuel Valls against hard-left lawmaker Benoit Hamon.Hamon, who is often compared to British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, is favourite to beat Valls in the primary's head-to-head vote, but has little chance of winning the presidential race proper after five years of unpopular Socialist rule.The first round of the French Socialist Party primaries to determine the presidential nominee finished on earlier Sunday.
He was previously married to,Simplifier, négocier, sécuriser: un Code du Travail pour le 21ème siècle.Que se passe t il dans la tête de François Hollande?Colonisation, banlieues: la France est elle coupable?Violences policières: quand l'Etat ne tient plus ses flics.Antisémitisme: la gauche est-elle complice?Leadership ou leader cheao: la figure du chef,La Pensée 68 (sociologie et culture de l'excuse). Il naît à Barcelone car ses parents, déjà installés en France, ont souhaité que leur fils naisse en Espagne2. Paphos police investigate theft of €2,600. Video,Race against time to save stranded whales,Pitch-invading alpaca 'absolutely adores football' Video,Pitch-invading alpaca 'absolutely adores football',Humpback whale escapes from crocodile river,US voters' verdict on Supreme Court vacancy,Covid: Pubs and restaurants in England to have 10pm closing times,Ginsburg Supreme Court: Trump to name nominee by week's end,Ren Zhiqiang: Outspoken ex-real estate tycoon gets 18 years jail,FinCEN Files: Roman Abramovich had secret stakes in rival players,Airbus looks to the future with hydrogen planes,Trudeau Throne speech: Why this is a big moment for Canadian PM,Broadband: Old TV caused village broadband outages for 18 months,Australia whales: 90 dead in mass stranding off Tasmania,Coronavirus: Asia stock markets continue global fallout,Theresa May 'cannot support' government's Brexit bill,antagonising radical favourites like Economy Minister Arnaud Montebourg into resigning,he appointed Mr Valls, his most popular cabinet minister, prime minister on 31 March after a disastrous showing at local elections,former conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy.Read about our approach to external linking. Il suo primo incontro con la politica è stato nel,Inoltre ha ricoperto la carica di consigliere regionale dell',Il 25 agosto dello stesso anno, annuncia le sue dimissioni da primo ministro. He has been married to Susana Gallardo (II) since September 14, 2019. And here I am among you. Candidat a l'alcaldia de Barcelona, 2019. "According to the results obtained from 3,090 polling stations, Benoit Hamon receives 35.21% of votes, Manuel Valls gets 31.56%, Arnaud Montebourg gains support of 18.70% voters," the High Authority said.The polling stations closed at 19:00 local time (18:00 GMT). Submitted by USER_UK on Tue, 25/09/2018 - 22:12. Former French prime minister Manuel Valls said on Tuesday he would run for mayor of Barcelona, the first time a high-profile European politician has entered a major election in another country and a risky political bid for him. The way he talks and presents things makes him more popular with the right than the left, and hardcore Socialists hate him. Looking for some great streaming picks? Spanish and Catalan.