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Waste kg. The consequences are dramatic for humans and the entire ecosystem. The duration of this warranty is at least one year (from the date of invoice). These CO2 emissions can easily be calculated with our carbon footprint calculators and then compensated by investing in our climate projects.Calculate the number of tons your car emits into the atmosphere and offset your impact on the environment by purchasing reductions from the projects we fund.Calculate the number of tons your home emits into the atmosphere and offset your impact on the environment by purchasing reductions from the projects we fund.Calculate your flight’s CO2 footprint and offset your impact on climate change by supporting CO2 reductions from the CO2logic offsetting projects.Do you know your Carbon Footprint? The withdrawal can be claimed only in the event of an error on the amount to be paid.All products sold in the catalog are warranted against manufacturing and material defects. The product is then added to the order form.The prices noted in the catalog are indicated in Moroccan dirhams (MAD), all taxes included, and are valid at the time of the customer’s viewing and are those in force at the time of the order.The order will be executed immediately after the Customer has placed the order.The product provided by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection is an intangible asset (Carbon Credit).

Calculez et compensez vos émissions! Modal title The irrigation of this zone is ensured by a localized system with a pumping of water with solar energy. Bilan. In case of return of material that is not defective, shipping and handling charges may be invoiced to the Customer. Translate the description into English (United States) using Google Translate? Calculateur co2: Voiture. Electricity Kwh. Calculate your carbon footprint now. Données 2017 (mises à jour le 15/03/2019) Note : sur les destinations proposées, seuls sont pris en compte les vols directs (sans escale), avec des avions turboréacteurs ou … It really is surprising how much CO2 emissions we produce in everyday life. Tramway Km*n.p .

In this case, the transaction is debited to your account within one day of the delivery confirmation date.The information you are requested to provide is necessary to process the order and is treated confidentially.No order paid by credit card can be canceled.From the date of order delivery, you have a period of 7 days to assert your right of withdrawal, and be fully reimbursed. La quantité d’émissions impactant le climat générées chaque jour est surprenante. 15. This system avoided the emission of about 2200 tonnes CO2 Information, Education and Awareness . Calculateur d'empreinte écologique Inscription Newsletter Restez informé de notre travail et de nos domaines d’action autour de la conservation de la nature It really is surprising how much CO2 emissions we produce in everyday life. Proof of transactions paid by credit card. Plane Km*n.p. These actions have prevented the emissions of approximately 6.000 tons of CO2.Planted approximately 12.000 date palms in the Marrakech palm grove. Add to Wishlist. Ihrer Flüge zu berechnen. Amount to pay (DH) Emitted CO2 (tonne) Choose a project. Plane.

Create your reports and clearing balances.As part of its Voluntary Carbon Offsetting program, the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection has developed a carbon tool, known as the CO2 Calculator.It is an educational tool for raising awareness among Internet users about climate change, a tool for assessing the carbon footprint linked to travel, as well as a means for offsetting these carbon emissions online by contributing financially to implementing renewable energy, energy efficiency or carbon sequestration projects through tree planting.14. Car. This project will sequester approximately 14.400 tons CO2 over the life of the project. This project will sequester approximately 14.400 tons CO2 over the life of the project. Any order placed on this site implies the customer's unconditional and irrevocable acceptance of these conditions.This contract is a distance contract that defines the rights and obligations of the parties in connection with the online sale of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection’s products via the Maroc Telecommerce Internet platform.In the contract, each of the terms referred to below shall be defined as follows:The products in question (Carbon Credits) are sold without limits.After locating the product(s) of interested, click on the "order" button. This figure reflects the actual performance of our operations to each destination. Butane Butane. Water. ALL Rights Reserved. Any order placed on this site implies the customer's unconditional and irrevocable acceptance of these conditions.This contract is a distance contract that defines the rights and obligations of the parties in connection with the online sale of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection’s products via the Maroc Telecommerce Internet platform.In the contract, each of the terms referred to below shall be defined as follows:The products in question (Carbon Credits) are sold without limits.After locating the product(s) of interested, click on the "order" button. Le changement climatique est devenu une réalité à cause de l’augmentation des Gaz à Effet de Serre (GES) due aux activités humaines. These CO2 emissions can easily be calculated with our carbon footprint calculators and then compensated by investing in our climate projects. Any order placed on this site implies the customer's unconditional and irrevocable acceptance of these conditions.This contract is a distance contract that defines the rights and obligations of the parties in connection with the online sale of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection’s products via the Maroc Telecommerce Internet platform.In the contract, each of the terms referred to below shall be defined as follows:The products in question (Carbon Credits) are sold without limits.After locating the product(s) of interested, click on the "order" button.